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In order to assure each child’s success in school and their well-being, it’s vital that the relationship between parents and teachers is one of the mutual understanding and collaboration.


There are opportunities to meet or learn more about the school including parent teacher conference to discuss pupil’s progress, open day when the school can be observed in action.


NISSII  Christian Academy  runs Parents/Caregivers partnership   program. Under this  program , the parent/caregiver   comes  to school after every  two weeks  to discuss   the  academic  and  psycho-social   challenges  affecting     individual  child  and  make  recommendations   where necessary  for  the benefit  of  the  child. Assembles are organized after every two weeks during which children’s success and achievements are celebrated.

It’s greatly appreciated when parents are able to help organize and set up school related activities, as well as any other activities to promote the integration of families with in the community.


The  parents /caregivers  also  meet  monthly  under  the  umbrella   of P.T.A – Parents  Teachers  Association  to  discuss  the  day  to day achievements and  challenges  of  the  school  with  forward looking motive.

Nissii Christian  Academy  is  a  child  right  focused organization that upholds well being  of the  children and  conserves  the environment to retain the dignity of the Mother Earth. We work closely with the community members, specifically women, youths, children and volunteers.We further collaborate and work in liaison with the government agencies ,local CBOs (Community based organizations)/NGOs and local faith based organizations, as key stake holders.

Nissii Christian Academy is  a nonprofit organization ,founded in 2004 at Kisui Village along the shore of Lake Victoria, Kenya where fishing activity is the key economic activities besides peasant farming and micro business activities. For a long time children rights have been violated and many children are subjected to different form of child labour, early marriage, rape and defilement beatings and all frustrations. Many children are left orphans and vulnerable due to HIV/AIDS , insecurity (ethnicity division and classes) and other forms of illness attributed to poor and inadequate health facilities around. The situation is heart touching and goes beyond paper explanation. Come and feel !!!!

Due to high poverty level around the environment has never been spared as it seen as key source of survival through cutting of fire wood and charcoal burning attributing to high level of deforestation, lowering the dignity of the mother earth. Nissii Christian Academy has come in-front to safe guard the children and the environment. READ MORE

Call Us: +254-768-026-137   /   /  Box 192 Mbita, 40305-Kenya

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